One of those Phases..

I been reading the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy lately and somehow for some insane reason I have picked up the Space Lingo. Space Lingo you say? Well for example I go into a bar and ask for a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster now a days. Obviously no one knows what I am talking about, myself included!!. Embarrassed I walk away monologuing to myself "Don't Panic"!! Looking back I seem to recall I have had many episodes like this about things I got too involved with(mainly books or movies that I get obsessed about).My mother coined this condition for me aptly. She called it " One of those Phases.."

Well, I have had many a "One of those Phases..!!".

For example : When I was still a part of the corporate slavery group I use to have vivid day dreams where I would cast a Harry Potters "Incarcerous" spell (Spell Description: Ties someone or something up with ropes) frequently on my boss so that he wouldn't walk up to my desk and give me more work to do. And once to my utter surprise while I was casting the spell in my dream for the hundredth time that day I distinctly heard my boss say " Diffindo"(Spell Description: Cuts or rips objects.) I obviously realized my folly of not dreaming and casting my spells out loud , but to add serious insult to my lack of dreaming, my boss had the last line. He said " You are not the only Harry Potter addict you know!!" Well lets just say I stopped reading Harry Potter over and over again for a while then.

And then there was my brief, very very brief obsession with W.H, Auden, it stopped when I recited his following poem:

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come...etc etc etc

at somebody's 81'st birthday party!! I still recite the poem but only when I am alone at home and all the windows are shut.

And then to top of all the phases (and this phrase is something I still haven't gotten over ) I was asked in an interview what are the languages I speak and I quote from jesss " I speak three languages fluently: Smartass, Sarcasm, and Profanity!!", needless to say that I am still umemployed


Sasha said...

'One of those Ph(r)ases', you mean?
I can give you competition - I can speak gibberish! :D :D

Natasha said...

Interesting post, Deepu! i allowed to take a guess on who the boss was on whom you'd wanna cast the spell?? :D :D

Subhashish Bose said...

I started listening to the Hitchhiker's Audio Book today; so I can communicate with my Wife!!

Nice article! :)

Conundrum said...

@Sashadi: Can never hope to beat you in anything, however having said that , have never seen you non-sensical!! It will be a first for me

@Natasha: Hahahaha.. Lets not take names shall we!!

@Baby: Mwah ! thank you

Anusree said...

very good post. short snd sweet but your thuoghts expressed very well. Loved reading it and BTW remember the phase of P language???

Rajashri said...

I can relate my life with your post. Sometimes i dont know which words to use when framing sentences neither do i understand the language i speak! But i am lucky that people around me do understand what i am trying to say and hope that stays that way! Miss you deepu, though i know this is not a private forum of communication.

uttara said...

Ha ha ha....... Well written Babes...... Ab absolute pleasure reading it...... And let's not mention any other phases..... Just so because I have at long last at this Young age stopped behaving/feeling like the movie stars who use to influence mr from one Friday to the next ;)

Conundrum said...

thank you anushree, tums miss u too and uttu I know what u r talking about, half my school days were spent in ur influence induced state ;)

Unknown said...

'one of those phases'...what a term...i guess all mom's have phrases they wud love to get patented...mine had termed .."fir se start ho gaye tum log" but can't blame her...with a house with three boys growing up...she ended up saying this way to often...and we played 'Rambo"!!!
You know...i learnt about Harry Potter and P.G. Wodehouse from you...Wodehouse i could never much keep on with...sometimes felt like reading Dilbert...but HP has now become a part of our lives...and when u write about this kinda immediately helps us "apparate" into a distant world we somehow ended up leaving for your job...just scrap the idea and continue with writing more...cos you are truly proving to be a better articulator than a soddy corporate likey!!!

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Singapore, Singapore
Im just a dreamer, I dream my life away, Im just a dreamer, who dreams of better days